Shock. Just as I felt when two healthy friends died suddenly in the last two years of my life… Shock. That didn’t really happen, did it? We had a chance for a woman president and we chose hate instead? We aren’t living a “real life” soap opera, are we? Oh yes, we are. In shock, with millions and millions of Americans and international citizens on Planet Earth right beside me. Somehow, surely with large doses of fraud yet, still — somehow — we have elected a new President whose candidacy was based on hate. How could we not be in shock? If there’s any dose of innocence within us, any dose of that Inner Child who simply expects honesty and respect, how could we not be shocked by what just transpired? When a baby boy is physically abused, does he think, “Oh yeah, this is just the way I’m treated…” or does his core reject this hatefulness, in shock? “It should not be so. I am Love. This is not a reflection of who I am.” I refuse to go into blame. There are many who played a role in this despicable outcome, this atrocious revealing of the darkness under the surface of our American soil. Unspeakable fraud is at play and has been for years in this country — in business and politics. I salute those who courageously move to expose the shadows and bring them to widespread awareness. A deep bow to all the whistleblowers, the truth tellers of every color, shape and age. We are united. Yet, my greatest leverage is at these fingertips. In this heart. It is... this mouth. This female body. My WOMB. There are no words strong enough to convey what I want to say right now. To women. All over this planet. And especially to women in America. Prepare for strong words, and this is not personal. I use strong words because Tiger Mama is ferocious and she is rising. DEAR WOMEN OF AMERICA, Wake the ________ up. That glass ceiling over our heads? We can blast that bull_____ off the roof if we want to. No one has power over us. Your thoughts and actions belong to YOU. You can hear insults and feel oppressed, and you can CLAIM that you are not oppressed. You can RETURN to your natural state of freedom. Many people in history who have sure seemed oppressed on the surface, have chosen not to buy into it. Are you pissed off? Great! FEEL it in your Mama Bear womb. Let it burn your heart bigger and bolder so you REFUSE not to stand for Love. You know how. It is what you’re made of. Stand for LOVE. Stop valuing the surface of you — how you look, whether other people, especially men, approve of you — more than the real jewels inside. Are YOU okay with who you are? Do YOU think you’re awesome? If you don't, get on it! Wake UP. You have SUPERPOWERS, woman! They are your instinct, your intuition, your heart. GROW THEM. FEED THEM. Focus there. You can carry and birth new life, women. What MORE do you need to hear, to see your value in this world? This isn’t about women having power over men. Our sons are treasured gems. And all men are sons. We do not lead from “power over.” This is about leading from Love. Leading for Life. We know, and are uniquely equipped, to lead this way. The time is NOW. We make the majority of decisions in households. Our capacity to hold complex details and tasks and relations, is unparalleled. When we stand in our power — in the power of Love — with courage, with certainty, with ease… Nothing can stand in our way. Let us not allow children and women on other continents to be blasted with violence, their bodies shattered in blood. War is not the way of Woman. It is not the way of Love. We shall not stand for this. And it WILL stop when we RISE. Take my hand, dear sisters. I am holding yours. And the hands of your children. The earthquake that hit American soil yesterday guarantees aftershocks that we, as women, must step forth to soothe. Deep, dripping tears spill from my soul at the pain we humans choose to experience before we wake up. Each and every one of us. Is this not part of the human condition? Where do you keep pretending not to know how to love yourself? Where do you withhold love? And where do you project hatred for others? Because guess what? That’s the greatest violation you could ever stab into your very own chest. So I grieve. I face the darkness within myself. I Pledge Allegiance to the Love I AM. It’s what we’re made of, Mamacitas. So from the pit of our wombs, from the very blood and placenta-pulsing beauty of these sacred bodies that ALL of life comes through… Let’s fucking ROAR! All my love, all shimmering in thousands of shards of broken glass~ Jessica * * * P.S. Look, ladies. My daughter doesn’t stand for disrespect. She doesn’t tolerate it. Does yours? Let's guide them not to. There are many children who’ve been treated with endless doses of kindness and respect, so their foundation would never consider the horror of leading from hatred. They know it’d kill their souls. Our future will be made of things much sweeter than this nightmare that unfolded on our TV screens last night. Children know better than to fall prey to the horrendous lie that leading from hate will bring anything good AT ALL. Meanwhile, it is up to each of us to stand in our power — women and men, mothers and fathers, teens and anyone who noticed the gaping spiritual wound we just unbandaged in the USA. Our power is LOVE. Nothing more powerful exists. Things don’t shift overnight on the big scale — they take time — but YOU and I, we can change our minds instantly. That’s where our greatest power is. From anger to forgiveness, from resentment to curiosity, from hatred to joy. It is in our capacity, all of this. ONE choice at a time. It's 11:42 right now, and I have a choice. At 11:43 I'll have another choice. Do I speak and act from love or fear? Years ago MLK Jr. said it, “Only love can drive out hatred.” Today these words were shared on Instagram by Erin Merriman, “I feel strangely liberated. It’s over. Our sad government that has been limping along has finally come to a conclusion so absurd that it seems unlikely we will continue to give our power away. It feels like permission from the universe to do whatever it takes to take care of each other and not wait for the government to do that. Now that we have a green light to ignore false authority altogether!.. People call Trump an asshole. Let’s play with this a little, because now, he’s our asshole! He is the collective asshole, and is just doing what assholes are designed to do, fulfilling his divine purpose of allowing our shit to come out.” Really though people, he IS inviting us to look within ourselves and decide HOW we want to SHOW UP in our lives. For truth, for love, or for the damp dark walls of hatred and judgment? It is an invitation. Not his, because oh dear, Donald Trump is the loudest call for help I think I’ve ever seen in human skin. It is our collective invitation to ourselves. So let’s be pissed. Let’s be outright completely WTF shocked. And then let’s get our shovels out and dig under that soil a little bit. This is the Great Collective at work. We created this. Doesn’t matter who you voted for or any single thing you did or didn’t do: WE ARE ONE, baby. This is us. (Waaah, Bernie come baaaack!) Hello, Invitation. Let me open you. Our new U.S. President is one of the most sorrowful, self-hateful souls we’ve ever seen. Can we not see how lost he is? It is GLARING. How completely deep-down-hurt, how shallow and clueless… This is not something to add pain to. This is very sad. And what’s sadder is that many, many Americans relate to that darkness. So let’s send light. Last I checked, the sun was pretty damn good at blasting glass ceilings to pieces.
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AuthorJessica Rios, Founder of Leaning into Light, was born with a divine pen in her pelvis. Her heart writes for her; Love is her 'religion'. A lifelong letter writer and a thought leader in Love, her blog is devoted to her greatest passion: illuminating the beauty of the human spirit so we all move closer to remembering that Love is Who We Are. Categories
May 2024