I don't know anywhere loving presence is embodied as much as it is with Jessica Rios.— S. Woodley, clinical psychologist
Jessica Rios is rock solid. She was one of the first people I called when I got the news of a serious health condition. Since then she has been a vast vessel of wisdom for me, before and after surgery, helping me alchemize a very challenging time into a learning experience. She has a rare capacity to hold me with her coaching, and she seriously walks her talk. I wanted to face and walk through my serious health issues the way she moved through hers. Her profound and deeply rooted wisdom have helped me find my own wisdom, reminding me how powerful love is for my body’s health.— D. Holden, Santa Barbara CA
Jessica embodies the notion of leaning into light. She challenges me to ask “how does this serve love?” She has had long hard roads in her path to healing, from physical to emotional to spiritual, and this informs her excellent perspective in coaching. — M. Smith
Schedule a free 15-minute call with Jessica to explore working with her as a coach.
Jessica has the capacity to create and hold the space for a deep dive into why we are here and the commitment to help us return to our biggest and most noble purpose. — Pamela Mattsson, SVP of People and Organizational Development, Outreach
Jessica is substantial and wonderful. She gives me faith in humanity. — K.S.
My coaching relationship with Jessica centers me, encourages me, and makes me feel better no matter what is going on. I am INCREDIBLY grateful she is part of my life. I have paid numerous therapists thousands of dollars who served purposes at that time. However, I have never seen the growth in myself that I have seen with Jessica's coaching. — Melissa K.
Jessica has a profoundly loving way of experiencing the preciousness in all humans. Being with her is allowing yourself to be deeply held in love. — Shannon Sheridan, MFT, Thrival Living
I reached out to Jessica Rios during one of the most difficult, terrifying, and – to use her very apt word – ‘rigorous’ times of my life: a four-month period of unrelenting insomnia that befuddled experts; altered my thinking, behavior, and capacity to function; and provoked varying responses in friends and family. I learned that not everyone knows “how to be” with someone going through a trip to the underworld. For many people it can be scary to see someone in such an altered state. Sometimes I even found that people unconsciously judged me for what was going on! But not Jessica. She was profoundly able to be with me in such a disorienting time, and reflected back not fear or judgment, but utter compassion and genuine love. She helped me to even feel love for what was happening, because it was opening my soul to such greater depths of compassion for others. Jessica played frisbee with me when I could hardly balance, sat next to me in a cafe as I pretended to be a normal person and “work,” and inspired me to write letters to my own self, in the form of a great spirit. Whether she calls herself a healer or not, Jessica has the rare gift of being able to hold the darkness, but see the light. I call that healing, and she was an integral person in my “returning to self” last April, with an expanded notion of who I am. — F.P.
The quality that Jessica brings to any process in which she participates is to make the seemingly impossible become not only realizable, but also fun. Things that were only glimpsed vaguely, like the capacity to care in hard places, move to the front and center in such a natural way that one forgets that they have not been there all along. — Jay Beckwith, one of the fathers of the modern playground, Playground Guru
It has been said that, 'Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.' Jessica carries these tools of courage through her life and into her work. Hers is a labor of love and empowerment that comes from the heart.— Mark Reiner, Co-Founder & Tour Leader, Cycle the Sierra
Athletes strive for a peak experience, where the application of their skill achieves a measurable goal. Many love the continual discovery of travel. A mountaintop experience doesn't have to be a physical climb, but an experience of intense beauty and perhaps gratitude that comes with perspective. Jessica's writing interwove several activities that to me constitute more than a mountaintop experience. From the inner conscience to the aching for all living things, the depth of her heart to ecstasy bursting upward and outward, tenderness of human communication to communing with God Love, her writing is a celebration and a call to spiritual practice. — Gayle Namanny
Jessica Rios and I were initially brought together by our mutual interest in creating transformative, human friendly work spaces. From that moment to the present day, I continue to be amazed by the talents, wisdom and vision of this extraordinary person. Our professional and personal collaborations have provided me with a number of opportunities to experience Jessica's brilliance as a coach, writer, leader and human being. Jessica is amongst the most brilliant communicators I've encountered, with an uncanny ability to detail the human experience with words that inspire and help the reader glimpse their own complex and beautiful humanity. And she is a visionary leader who is capable of helping others stretch towards their highest potential. When it comes to my professional ventures, there are a few people in my circle of friends and colleagues who will always have a seat at any table I convene, and Jessica Rios is absolutely leading that list. — Monica Moody, Founder & Coach, Owning Change
Ready to amplify joy, vitality, beauty and freedom in your Life? Schedule a free 15-min call with Jessica to explore working with her as a Love Coach.