Here at Leaning into Light, Love is the lens we see through. Love is our way, our joy and our why.
Jessica Rios, founder of Leaning into Light, is a writer, Love Coach, masterclass leader and motivational speaker. She has been dedicated to Love as her 'religion' for more than 40 years, since she was 8 years old.
As a Love Coach and Making Love to Fearmasterclass leader, Jessica serves clients who are ready to illuminate the beauty of their lives. Her clients are people who are ready to heal their pain and disease by seeing through the eyes of Love. Jessica's commitment to this work was affirmed by a NDE during brain surgery in February 2021. She supports clients to reduce suffering and find the freedom that is their birthright.
"Jessica Rios is rock solid. She was one of the first people I called when I got news of a serious health condition. Since then she has been a vast vessel of wisdom for me, before and after surgery, helping me alchemize a very challenging time into a learning experience. She has a rare capacity to hold me with her coaching and she seriously walks her talk. I wanted to face and walk through my serious health issues the way she moved through hers. Her profound and deeply rooted wisdom have helped me find my own wisdom, reminding me how powerful love is for my body’s health." - DH, Santa Barbara
Since early childhood, Jessica has been a prolific letter writer and a devoted student of relationships and communication. She mostly thinks and writes from her heart brain, and has always been a big fan of the power of feelings. One of her heroes since childhood is Fred Rogers, a saintly role model of emotional intelligence (EI) and friendship.
Jessica says, "As humans, our superpower is to feel the Love we are. From here, we create a world — we create one moment of Now, and another, and another — based in Love instead of fear."
Jessica lives in Sonoma County, California, where she enjoys morning hikes and revels in the medicinal art of singing Love songs to God. You can reach her via email.
Love is...
- the greatest human need - the universally accepted base of most spiritual and religious paths - the most powerful leverage point for healthy systems, individual or system - the umbrella holding all ‘positive’ values (respect, presence, kindness, compassion…) - the most powerful medicine for every form of dis-ease - Who We Are, our essence